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by joekamprad

VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product

These are the steps you need to install it:

1. Install kernel headers (linux-headers)

sudo pacman -Syu --needed linux-headers

OR for LTS Kernels install the linux-lts-headers

sudo pacman -Syu --needed linux-lts-headers

2. Install Virtualbox

sudo pacman -S virtualbox virtualbox-guest-iso

You will be asked for installing the core-packages:

  • for linux kernel choose virtualbox-host-modules-arch
  • for other kernels (like LTS) choose virtualbox-host-dkms

3. Install net-tools if you want to use host-only or bridged networking (optional)

sudo pacman -S net-tools

4. Install virtualbox-ext-vnc if you need VNC server support (optional)

As you want to access the VM from external Systems…

sudo pacman -S virtualbox-ext-vnc

5. load the needed module:

sudo modprobe vboxdrv

6. Add your user(s) to the vboxusers group

sudo gpasswd -a username vboxusers

7. Add Oracle extensions (optional, but needed for USB function p.e.)

This neds to be builded from AUR::

yay -S virtualbox-ext-oracle

After installing the extensions will be enabled automatically.

It is also possible to use the VirtualBox-package directly downloaded from oracle instead:


Then you need to open VirtualBox and go to

File --> Preferences --> Extensions

enable the package that has been downloaded.

Notes / Troubleshooting:

Add shared folder to be shared between host and guest:

Open the Settings and click on shared Folders.

Add a share and give the needed path to the host folder and the folder where you want to mount this inside the VM, you can use a folder under users home, and mark it to automount.

Next is to add the user inside the VM to the needed group:

sudo usermod -aG vboxsf username

where you need to replace username with the used real username indeed.

After a reboot of the VM you should be able to access the shared folder as the normal user inside the VM.

Graphics Memory:

From that screen you can set Memory for Graphics bigger than 125 MB what is recommended to set, same for 3d what should be checked.

How to install Virtualbox

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