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Our installation medium is already very stable and covers some hardware-specific peculiarities, but it is not an egg-laying wool milk sow.

Slow Internet unstable Connections:

In some places, you do have not that stable internet connection, or you are connected over Wifi with a bad bandwidth. Another reason can be restrictions from ISP so that you can not reach servers.

We have some implementations built in to detect and rank mirrors but the procedure is known to not work in some parts of the world where you have only some not stable mirrors (India, Pakistan, Brazil p.e.).

In this case, the best to do is to use the “update mirrors” tool from the welcome application:

Make sure the resulting mirrorlist has at least 8 mirrors showing up, and save it.

Now start the installer and you will be able to install via the online option.

Installer can not create partition:

In some cases, it is a good thing to delete the partitions you want to use for EndeavorOS before starting the installation. You can simply use KDE partition Manager, which you can start with the button in the welcome app or via the menu of the live environment.

Advanced installer options:

You can unselect packages you do not need:

This option is only available for online install method!

EndeavourOS Desktop Fixes and Theming:

EndeavorOS has preset small changes to the settings and themes for all desktop installations to fix problems with the default settings and smooth the interfaces. In addition, XFCE4 and i3-WM are heavily modified.

If you want an unchanged installation, you can easily turn off these changes by deselecting the appropriate subgroup:

What to do if install fails or i have issues?

In case the install is not successfull, do not reboot or exit the livesession! please send us the installer log on the forum, over telegram chat or even email, we can always make great use of them to fix issues and Bugs with the installer:

You ca use the log tool from the panel and send log to pastebin (internet connection requiered).

Run the log tool with inxi and install log tagged:

And post the url it creates in this little popup window on forum, chat or send it via Email:

Connect with us we will be happy to help in any way:

For encrypted installation help/info go here:

More info anbout encrypted installation.

Live ISO installer info tricks & tips

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