Enable and setup Bluetooth devices
We do not enable Bluetooth by default, because of several security risks, and to prevent unneeded power consumption.
Needed packages are installed by default, but it is in their default disabled state.
To be able to use Bluetooth you need to start the service or enable it if you need Bluetooth running on every boot:
sudo systemctl start bluetooth
# to start it for the session will stay disabled after reboot.
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
# to enable per default, will run after every boot.
With this, you can handle Bluetooth devices over CLI tool bluetoothctl
most Desktops will have some setup in there setting tools, if not see at the bottom about And install graphical GUI tools to configure and manage Bluetooth.
In case you want to make sure all packages are still installed or you may remove some, using custom install e.t.c. install it manually:
If you are using pipewire (default since Atlantis release):
sudo pacman -S --needed bluez bluez-utils
If you are using pulseaudio (older installs or manual switching to pulseaudio):sudo pacman -S --needed bluez bluez-utils pulseaudio-bluetooth
And install graphical GUI tools to configure and manage Bluetooth:
blueman (gtk) recommended for GTK based [can be used in Desktop Environments independent]
bluedevil (qt) [Integrate the Bluetooth technology within KDE workspace and applications]
blueberry (gtk) no longer developed
sudo pacman -S blueman
per example
DEs like KDE/plasma and GNOME ship their own Bluetooth GUI by default.
To use Bluetooth you will mainly need to enable it for use by default to start on every boot, or start it for a single session to use it only once:
sudo systemctl start bluetooth
–> This is only for single session use.
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
–> Enables to start Bluetooth when booting the machine (permanent)
If you want to have Bluetooth enabled by default and start the service immediately:
sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth
There is also the default CLI tool to manage Bluetooth connected devices:
In some cases it helps to run this as root for first connecting devices to be able to use them. But first try as normal user indeed!
the usual schedule to connect a new device with it is running it like so:
bluetoothctl ----> scan on ------> trust ----> pair ---> connect