Envy Control
EnvyControl is a CLI tool that provides an easy way to switch between GPU modes on Nvidia Optimus systems (i.e laptops with hybrid Intel + Nvidia or AMD + Nvidia graphics configurations) under Linux.
Written in Python 3+ for portability and compatibility
Supports GDM, SDDM and LightDM display managers
Save battery with integrated graphics mode
PCI-Express Runtime D3 (RTD3) Power Management support for Turing and later
Coolbits support for GPU overclocking
Fix screen tearing with ForceCompositionPipeline
works for both dracut and mkinitcpio
The tool offers 3 Graphics modes:
Integrated: The integrated Intel or AMD iGPU is used exclusively
Hybrid: Enables PRIME render offloading
Nvidia: The Nvidia dGPU is used exclusively
detailed info here: README.md#-graphics-modes
You will find an AUR PKGBUILD and can install it over yay:
yay -S envycontrol
to run it use this commandline and check the usage box for options (graphics modes):
sudo envycontrol -s <MODE>
usage: envycontrol.py [-h] [-v] [-q] [-s MODE] [--dm DISPLAY_MANAGER] [--force-comp] [--coolbits [VALUE]] [--rtd3 [VALUE]] [--reset-sddm] [--reset] [--verbose]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Output the current version
-q, --query Query the current graphics mode
-s MODE, --switch MODE
Switch the graphics mode. Available choices: integrated, hybrid, nvidia
--dm DISPLAY_MANAGER Manually specify your Display Manager for Nvidia mode. Available choices: gdm, gdm3, sddm, lightdm
--force-comp Enable ForceCompositionPipeline on Nvidia mode
--coolbits [VALUE] Enable Coolbits on Nvidia mode. Default if specified: 28
--rtd3 [VALUE] Setup PCI-Express Runtime D3 (RTD3) Power Management on Hybrid mode.
Available choices: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default if specified: 2
--reset-sddm Restore default Xsetup file
--reset Revert changes made by EnvyControl
--verbose Enable verbose mode
for detailed help and info on how to use this awesome tool read the detailed wiki at the source:
EnvyControl Frequently-Asked-Questions have also a lot of good information.
Thank’s @VictorBayas at the telegram chat to hint me on his helpful tool perfectly fitting for EndeavourOS indeed!
PyQt5 widget for the EnvyControl, program aimed to provide an easy way to switch GPU modes on Nvidia Optimus systems under Linux.
Widget supports both windowed and system tray mode.